UAS Program Development for First Responders

This summer I had the opportunity to assist Avian with curriculum development for the brand new UAS Program Development (UASPD) course for first responders. This 8-hour course was developed for FEMA via New Mexico Tech. Our team developed the materials for 8 hours of course content, to be delivered as a residential course at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, as a mobile course at a hosting organization’s facility, or online.

A virtual kickoff session was held in September, hosted by BATEP (Bay Area Training and Exercise Program), although shortened to 4 hours:

September 12, 2024
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Development (AWR-406)
View the Course Flyer

My role in this curriculum development was as kind of executive editor, ensuring all content was consistent and complete and meeting expectations and standards, as well as developing some of the content.

I’m pleased to say that this course is now part of FEMA’s offering via the National Training and Education Division (NTED). You can find it by searching for AWR-406. According to the current course schedule the mobile version of the course is being offered in Hawaii in October 2024. Check back again as courses are continually being added. Or host your own, if you are with a first responder organization.

In the course catalog, the course is described as follows (the following is taken directly from the NTED website) –

Course Description

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Development (UASPD), Mobile course provides emergency first responders with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and sustain a drone operations program: This information includes determining whether an agency should conduct operations under the Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Rule, 14 CFR Part 107 (Part 107), as a Public Aircraft Operation (POA), or as a combination of both Part 107 and POA operations. Additionally, the course presents information on sUAS equipment requirements, the development of Standard Operating Procedures, and program requirements/waiver processes for sUAS operations under Part 107 and as a POA. This valuable knowledge will enable emergency first responders to implement an effective sUAS program within their jurisdiction and sustain their program over the long term.

The UASPD Mobile course is available as an in-person or virtual-training format course. The course is hosted at any qualifying emergency personnel agency or organization in the US by New Mexico Tech (NMT) Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) instructors.

Course Objectives

  • Outline the initial planning process for the successful implementation of an emergency agency sUAS program. 
  • Describe the FAA regulations and requirements covering Part 107 sUAS operations for emergency first responders.
  • Describe the regulations and requirements for emergency agencies operating sUAS programs as Public Aircraft Operations (PAOs).
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which outline the roles and responsibilities within an agency for safe and effective emergency first responder sUAS operations.
  • Determine the appropriate process for requesting waivers and airspace authorizations based on an emergency agency¿s sUAS operational requirements. 
  • Discuss best practices for an emergency agency sUAS program.